After Sales New Zealand
Important - Please read the Instructions!
There are also instructions supplied with each Aeroclam.We had to be particular with the instructions as we deal with customers from many walks of life and capabilities/aptitude, hence the seemingly 'over information’.
You’ll find the instructions simple and the easiest ever to follow. They can appear complex due to the amount of illustrations, but they’re not.
I drew these myself in Adobe Illustrator following every installation detail and we get great praise for their clarity and ease to follow.
Please check
It’s easy and you should have the Aeroclam installed in a few minutes if you follow the videos and instructions supplied with your Aeroclam.
Lots of other interesting information and tips on this page
Any Problems, email and I’ll help you.
Very rare for us to ever not get a fit for customers and virtually any problems are resolved with a email or FaceTime call.
Also, most installation problems are caused by customers not correctly reading the instructions….. so ‘Read The Instructions’👍👍
Customer Imagery
Look forward to a nice side profile image of your Aeroclam/Saddle combination.
We love these and especially Aeroclam/Saddle combinations we don’t yet have.
Will add product free of charge [within reason] to your next order as a bonus but you must remind us! If you reference a friend to order via Cyckit, then we can include product within their order.
*NOTE: Trimming the corners off the clamp is only needed with the Selle Italia Superflow Boost &
Prologo Kappa saddles and only when the saddle is in the far forward position